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Events at For The Wild Birds

May 14th, 2024 - Biophilic Backyards:  Living in Support of Urban Wildlife

Geared towards homeowners, this presentation uses ecology and conservation principles as well as critical thinking to learn about, and how to support, our nature neighbors.

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May 28th, 2024 - Planting for Wildlife, Emphasis on Birds, Squirrels, etc.



Bob Henrickson is the Horticulture Program Coordinator with the Nebraska Statewide Arboretum, Inc.,  a private, non-profit organization and program of the Nebraska Forest Service. His responsibilities include assisting affiliated arboretum sites with plant collection and to acquire, propagate and produce native and exotic plants for plant development and sales. Bob co-hosts a gardening talk show on a community radio station in Lincoln. He is passionate about native plants, herbs, wild mushrooms, wild edibles, dried flowers & grasses and vegetable gardening, simply put, he loves horticulture, the science and art that is our natural world.

Bob will provide a presentation on gardening techniques that will help beneficial insects, song birds and other wildlife. From the eastern woodlands and panhandle pinelands, to the tallgrass prairie and sandhills, you can develop a Nebraska style landscape. There is a plethora of great plants to choose from, plants native to the Great Plains, that grow well in any garden situation. What do these prairie jewels look like and why are these plants important to pollinating insects and song birds?  Prairie plants provide the food, shelter and nesting cover for songbirds, beneficial insects and other critters that conventional landscapes cannot. Bob will provide you the inspiration and knowledge to create your own unique “portrait of the prairie” in your landscape.