If you have a problem, we will work hard to find a solution that is not only affordable but will work for your needs. We take pride in every product we sell, so if you are not satisfied, then we are not. Please reach out with any concerns or problems, and we will find an answer!

Small Brass Thistle Tube
This Small Antique Brass Thistle Tube feeder features 6 ports for the finches to eat from. Just add some Nyjer and Fine Hearts and your finches will just love you. Featuring a weather resistant polycarbonate ensures this feeder will be around for 20+ years especially with the Lifetime guarantee it comes with!
- Featuring the Quick-clean removable base allowing feeder to be thoroughly cleaned
- Unbreakable, weather resistant polycarbonate
- Seed deflector enables birds to reach every seed
- Raised edge to divert rainwater
- Lifetime guearaneed for years of enjoyment
- Made in the USA